Why Your Pipes Are Making Loud Noises?

Popping Sounds Coming From Noisy Pipes When Running Water

Are your water pipes noisier than usual? There are many potential causes for noisy pipes when running water, and frequently they indicate that there is a problem with your plumbing requiring the attention of a skilled plumbing technician. This brief blog post will discuss some of the most common sources of loud pipes. While not a comprehensive list, the causes detailed here occur most frequently.

Noisy Pipes When You Run Water?

The next time you notice unusual plumbing system noises, consult this checklist:

Air Pockets

Air pockets within pressurized plumbing systems may contribute to loud plumbing noises. They may disrupt the even flow of water and result in uneven spurts of activity when a resident turns on a faucet.

How to resolve - When this scenario occurs, residents sometimes hear noises coming from water pipes in the residence. Some experts recommend simply disconnecting the home's water supply and completely flushing out the system to correct this type of annoying, yet rarely damaging, problem. If you reside in a standalone dwelling and you possess the skills required to "winterize" your home's plumbing system, you may not even need to request plumbing services to address air pocket issues successfully.

"Water Hammer"

Another, slightly more challenging type of pipe noise problem stems from a phenomenon often referred to as "water hammer". It may produce loud thumping noises inside walls when a resident turns on a water-using appliance or flushes the commode. As a plumbing valve closes rapidly in the presence of water flow, water traveling through the system may collide forcefully with the closed valve, producing a noise.

How to resolve - Over the course of time, unrepaired "water hammer" issues reportedly may even result in damage to impacted valves. These components gradually deteriorate. Your plumber possesses the tools and technology required to resolve this problem efficiently and to replace any damaged or malfunctioning valves.

High Water Pressure

Similarly, high water pressure (a related concern) may cause unwelcome noises to issue from the plumbing system. Whether or not your home experiences this problem may depend in part upon your location within the local water distribution network. High water pressure may cause faucets to eject water in rapid, sudden discharges or spurts.

How to resolve - If you believe excessive water pressure accounts for unfamiliar plumbing noises, it may prove helpful to contact your plumber and request an evaluation of your home's water and wastewater pipes. Ask your plumber to consider water pressure issues. A skilled plumbing technician may help correct loud noises stemming from high water pressure under some circumstances.

Pipe Movement

Pipe movements sometimes create thumping or clattering sounds. The age and architectural design of your residence potentially impacts this situation. If the metal fixtures attaching plumbing pipes to supporting walls become loose, then during use some water pipes may vibrate. Pipes located in close proximity to one another may even knock together and cause clattering sounds.

How to resolve - While rarely a problem in newer homes, this issue sometimes distresses residents of vintage properties. If you notice this problem and you cannot easily locate and correct the source of the noise, you may want to consult with a plumber about the problem. Fortunately, most plumbing technicians can address this issue easily.

Bursting Pipes (Popping Sounds in the Drain Pipes)

Bursting pipes, by contrast, pose one of the most ominous (and potentially serious) loud noise problems you'll encounter. If you hear a sudden popping sound from your drain pipes, consider contacting a plumbing expert promptly! The sound will likely occur only once, and you'll notice this noise indoors coming from beneath the floor or along the exterior, basement, or garage walls.

How to resolve - Bursting may occur if water freezes inside a cold pipe. As water solidifies into ice, it expands in size. During extremely cold weather, ice chunks within water pipes sometimes cause metal pipes to become distorted, producing tears or ruptures in the water line. The "popping" sound of a bursting pipe may not occur in conjunction with a leak because the water has already frozen in the line. However as soon as a thaw occurs, the pipe will begin leaking. (Unless you obtain rapid plumbing assistance first!)

Undetected Water Leaks

Finally, always contact a plumber as soon as possible if you hear sounds of running water inside your walls, ceilings, or floors and no one in the residence has turned on a faucet or activated a water-using appliance (e.g. a dishwasher or clothes washing machine). This sound usually indicates a leaking water pipe somewhere within the interior of the home. It demands a quick response on your part.

How to resolve - While the leaking water may not become immediately apparent, it will almost invariably cause some degree of damage in the absence of repair measures. Act promptly to summon assistance from a qualified plumber if you hear unexplained running water sounds. Don't let a significant increase in monthly water bills become the first warning signs of this all-too-common problem. Your plumber can help you locate the site of the leak and repair the plumbing system.

Call Coast Plumbing, Heating & Air, Inc. today at (714) 262-4009 or contact us online to schedule a plumbing inspection in Fountain Valley!

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